Judgement Free Zone

Many I come in contact with express being nervous  and scared for the “expected disappointment” they think those on the other side have for them. Many have thoughts along the lines of, “Since they are gone now, I can’t hid my flaws, they know everything about me. Even the things I don’t want to know about myself.”

Let me be loud and clear… THEY DON’T JUDGE YOU. THEY LOVE YOU.

Time and time again and I am shown the “burned cloth” analogy. I will share and then explain the meaning.

We all come here to earth with a pure cloth, this cloths represents our life journey.  It symbolizes the pureness of our heart.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you grew up, what situation you were born into, we all have a white cloth.

As we go through life we come across many people or situations that cause deep wounds. It is as if someone is holding a match to our pure white cloth to burn a hole straight through it. I have burn marks in my cloth, some from others and many I cause myself.

Being bullied… burned.

Judged for early pregnancy… burned.

Not fitting in with peers… burned.

Hating my body… burned.

Being beaten by someone you love… burned.

Unlawful relationship… burned.

Leaders of an organization tearing you down… burned.

Drugs and Alcohol become your way to cope… burned.

The point I am getting at is everyone has wounds. Some are bigger and deeper then others. It is easy for us judge others and ourself for all the flaws. We forget the main reason people act they do…


Now before you stop reading… I have amazing news!

They want to help us heal them!

Our loved one on the other side understand why we are the way we are.

They can see and feel the impact our wounds and burn holes have had. Not only are they aware of them.

Our loved one on the other side understand why we are the way we are.

They can see and feel the impact our wounds and burn holes have had. Not only are they aware of them.

We have many loved ones on the other-side who are here to love and support. They are not going to judge us, they want the absolute best for us.

My sister had an amazing out-of-body experience in which she shares what she learned from loved ones on the other side and there effort to help. I couldn’t have said it better.

On my own and meeting with others I have to come know and learn exactly what she learned. Here is her video.

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