Lighting The Flame Of Remembrance

One of my favorite ways to connect to our ancestors and to honor those who came before is by lighting a candle. I recently hosted a very beautiful gathering where we shared about a deceased loved one we wanted to remember. We shared memories and lit a candle in remembrance of them. As we each lit a candle, we opened our hearts to the spirit realm. Offering gratitude and remembrance for those who lit the way for us to be here. It was so powerful! And it was such a beautiful reminder that we have the power to call upon our ancestors and our loved ones.

Table of Contents

Lighting The Path Before Us

So often we associate spirit connection with receiving guidance, strength, and support. Dare I say it… this perspective is very selfish. Yes, they are to help you on our journey… I encourage you to ask yourself, what can I do for them?

Our ancestors and those who have passed, and in some way or another, have lit the way for us. If it wasn’t for their life; joy, sadness, dedication, and actions… we would not be where we are today. Do we offer gratitude for all those whose stories and lives played out long before us?

They have lit the path for us to continue to wake up each and every day. They will continuously light the path for us. Lighting a candle of remembrance has been a practice that has been done since ancient times.


Lighting The Flame Of Remembrance

Lighting The Path For Lost Souls

A common tradition in the United States during Halloween is to carve pumpkins and place a tea light in them during the festivities. Have you ever wondered why?

In ancient times, it was believed that during Samhain (Halloween) the veil to the spirit realm was extremely thin. Not only would they dress up to ward off dark entities, but they lit candles in pumpkins to help those souls who have lost their way. If a scary face was carved, it was used as a warning that no darkness was allowed. For those pumpkins carved with joyful smiles, this was an invitation to all those spirits full of love and light. It was also a way of helping those dark souls who were lost or stuck to find their way home, find their way back to themselves, to their soul’s creative space, to that oneness with God.

Fire is a sign of redemption and renewal. As we bless the path for those souls who are still seeking beyond the graves, we invite them into the light. We open the door for them to walk into the fire and become anew. Just as much as we ask for assistance from the spirit realm; at times they are beckoning for our help.

Lighting The Fire Of Connection

I strongly believe, the more we can honor and love those who came before us, the deeper rooted we can become. A practice I use often goes as follows:

Light your candle and offer up a prayer calling on those you invite into your space. This can be done during the holidays, parties, gatherings, and even in private. “I honor you. I thank you. I want you to be here with us. I bless your path.”

Keep the candle burning for the duration of the intended time.

Close by offering up words once again to those you asked to attend, “I hope you enjoyed your time. I’m so grateful that you could be here with us. I love you. I honor you. I honor what you’ve left behind for us.”

Blow out the candle. (It is all about the intention placed behind all things)

Other ways include lighting a candle, setting an intention, saying a prayer, and writing a letter to a loved one that I want to connect with. You can also stare into the flame, as it puts you into a trance, and you can connect to your loved ones as well.

There are many different ways that we can honor and light the path and acknowledge the path that’s already being lit before us. As we honor those who came before, we honor the path that was lit before us. Not only that, we can strengthen the light as we walk the path as well. We are not alone, nor are we expected to be alone. We are not alone. We don’t have to navigate this human journey by ourselves.

Book With Jenn

Blessed By Angels

Are you interested in connecting to the spirit realm?

Have you felt there is more to life than what has been experienced?

Are you ready for a reading in which you will receive messages from beyond?!?

If you are feeling the call, this is an invitation to check out Jenn’s offerings to assist you.

During sessions loved ones come through offering validation and sharing messages of what they wish they knew in life and what they are learning now. Just as we would want to share with our family, I find they are very eager and excited to share with us.

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The Spirit of Consumption

The Spirit of Consumption In this episode of the Blessed by Angels Podcast, host Jenn Gilbreth channels messages from the angelic realm, inviting listeners to

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The Temporary Magic of Life

The Temporary Magic of Life In this episode of The Temporary Magic of Life, medium Jen Gilbreth delves into the theme of impermanence, guided by angelic insights,

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