Living A Heart Cenetered Life

Join Jenn as she channeled messages from beyond.  This was a live group reading on facebook. In this channeled message she connected to those who were live with her. This took place on 8.24.22.

This heart-centered connection is the gateway to our spiritual gifts. We are declared dead when our heart stops beating. This shows that the heart is the bridge between the body and the soul. When we shut down our connection to that divine source, heaviness, pain, and sickness can set it.

When we become disconnected for so long our bodies will start screaming at us. At times this can be experienced through; sickness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, and numbness to life’s daily actions. It is at this point our spirit is searching for help.

Our spirit is searching for connection. When we make it a goal to listen and reconnect back to the heart center; magic will occur. All magic starts from within. Living a heart-centered life is an invitation to shed and release anything that is holding you back.

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